
J: Refereed journal publications
B: Books and book chapters
C: Conference proceedings
O: Others


[J142] Hari Kang, Donghyun Kim, and Kar-Ann Toh, "Human Activity Recognition through Augmented WiFi CSI Signals by Lightweight Attention-GRU," Sensors, 25(5), 1547, March 2, 2025. Included in the Special Issue Smart Sensing Technology for Human Activity Recognition. LINK LINK 

[J141] Kyungnam Kang, Hajun Yoo, Hyunwoong Lee, Sukhyeon Ka, Jaeyun Kim, Myungchan An, Young Gu Kim, DuckJong Suh, Sunghan Kim, Jungho Kim, and Donghyun Kim, "Metasurface-integrated organic light-emitting diodes: analysis of spectral effects on theoretical and experimental performance," Laser & Photonics Reviews, February 19, 2025 (in press). LINK LINK 

[B12] Kyungnam Kang, Inseop Byeon, and Donghyun Kim, "Ch. 2 Engineered Mediums for Enhanced Organic Light-Emitting Diodes," in Engineered Mediums: Overview and Applications, Pankaj K. Choudhury, ed., SPIE Press (in press).


[J140] 김동현, "조선왕조실록에 보고된 채운 (彩雲) 기록의 광학적 분석 (Cloud Iridescence Reported in the Annals of the Joseon-Dynasty)," 한국광학회지 (Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics), 35(6), 306-313, December 25, 2024. LINK LINK LINK  

[B11] Jong-ryul Choi, Inseop Byeon and Donghyun Kim, "Ch. 5 Machine learning-based prediction, design, and optimization of optical metamaterials," in Ordered and Disordered Metamaterials Design and Applications, Pankaj K. Choudhury and Tatjana Gric, eds., IOP Publishing, November 1, 2024, pp. 5-1~5-13. LINK LINK 

[J139, Invited] Kwanhwi Ko, Hajun Yoo, Sangheon Han, Won Seok Chang, and Donghyun Kim, "Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy with single cell manipulation by microfluidic dielectrophoresis," Analyst, 149, 5649 - 5656,  October 16, 2024. STATUS LINK  Invited to the 150th Anniversary Collection: Raman Spectroscopy and SERS.

[J138] Gwang Myeong Seo, Hongki Lee, Yeon Jae Kang, Donghyun Kim, and Jong Hwan Sung, "Development of in vitro model of exosome transport in microfluidic gut-brain axis-on-a-chip," Lab on a Chip, 24, 4581 - 4593, September 4, 2024. LINK Selected in the Themed Collection Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2024 

[J137] Kyungnam Kang, Inseop Byeon, Young Gu Kim, Jong-ryul Choi, and Donghyun Kim, "Nanostructures in organic light-emitting diodes: principles and recent advances in the light extraction strategy," Laser & Photonics Reviews, 18(8), 2400547, June 27, 2024. LINK This work was featured by 전자신문, 매일신문, 아주경제, 의학신문.

[J136] Hyunwoong Lee, Seongmin Im, Kyungnam Kang, Sukhyeon Ka, and Donghyun Kim, "Curved Plasmonic Devices for Flexibility: Modeling, Fabrication, and Characterization," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 30(3), Article Sequence Number: 4600108, December 20, 2023 (Date of publication), May 1, 2024 (Issue publication). LINK, LINK 

[J135, Cover] Hongki Lee*, Seongmin Im*, Changhun Lee, Hyunwoong Lee, Shi-Wei Chu, Aaron Ho-Pui Ho, and Donghyun Kim, "Probing the Temperature-Induced Plasmonic Nonlinearity: Unveiling Opto-Thermal Effects on Light Absorption and Near-Field Enhancement," Nano Letters, 24(12), 3598–3605, February 26 (online publication), March 27, 2024. *These authors contributed equally to this work. LINK, LINK, LINK  This work was featured by 디지털타임스, 베리타스알파, 이뉴스투데이, 전자신문

[C69] Hajun Yoo, Hongki Lee, Woo Joong Rhee, Gwiyeong Moon, Changhun Lee, Jeon-Soo Shin, and Donghyun Kim, "Super-resolution surface imaging of live cells with sub-diffraction-limited plasmonic nanospeckle," Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 12860, Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XXI, 1286007, March 13, 2024. LINK 

[C68] Hajun Yoo, Kwanhwi Ko, Sukhyeon Ka, Hyunwoong Lee, Seongmin Im, and Donghyun Kim, "Nanoscale fluctuation-enhanced axial localization microscopy integrated with metallic structure-assisted fluidic chips," Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 12858, Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XXI, 1285807, March 13, 2024. LINK 

[C67] Kwanhwi Ko, Hajun Yoo, Hyunwoong Lee, Young Hee Seo, Sangheon Han, Won Seok Chang, and Donghyun Kim, "Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic system combined with dielectrophoresis using nanostructured microfluidic chip," Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 12837, Microfluidics, BioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems XXII, 1283705, March 12, 2024. LINK 

Investigation of opto-thermal effects in the near-field using NSOM [J135]


[J134, Invited] Jongha Lee, Gwiyeong Moon, Sukhyeon Ka, Kar-Ann Toh, and Donghyun Kim, "Deep Learning Approach for the Localization and Analysis of Surface Plasmon Scattering," Sensors, 23(19), 8100, September 27, 2023. LINK LINK  

[J133] Gwiyeong Moon, Taehwang Son, Hajun Yoo, Changhun Lee, Hyunwoong Lee, Seongmin Im, and Donghyun Kim, "Defocused imaging-based quantification of plasmon-induced distortion of single emitter emission," Light: Science & Applications, 12, Article number: 221, September 18, 2023. LINK  LINK  This work was featured by 중앙일보,  디지털타임스 ,  베리타스알파.

[J132, Invited Review] Hajun Yoo, Hyunwoong Lee, Seongmin Im, Sukhyeon Ka, Gwiyeong Moon, Kyungnam Kang, and Donghyun Kim, "Switching on Versatility: Recent Advances in Switchable Plasmonic Nanostructures," Small Science, 3(10), 2300048, September 10, 2023. LINK

[J131] Marzieh Pournoury and Donghyun Kim, "Optimized segmented cladding fiber for extreme large mode area using latin hypercube sampling," Optics Communications, 542, 129593, September 1, 2023. LINK, LINK, STATUS

[J130] Gunsik Lim, Beomseok Oh, Donghyun Kim, and Kar-Ann Toh, "Human Activity Recognition By Score Level Fusion of Wi-Fi CSI Signals," Sensors, 23(16), 7292, August 21, 2023. LINK, LINK

[J129] Marzieh Pournoury, Ali Zamiri, Marjan Ghasemi, and Donghyun Kim, "The Optimization of a Segmented Cladding Fiber via the Response Surface Methodology Approach for a Large Mode Area," Photonics, 10, 935, August 16, 2023. LINK

[J128] J. Kim, Z. Lin, D. Kim, and K.-A. Toh, "Face Photo-sketch Recognition based on Multi-Directional Line Features Projection," Neural Computing and Applications, 35, 20697-20715, July 24, 2023. LINK

[J127] Xin Chen, Suyi Zhong, Yiwei Hou, Ruijie Cao, Dong Li, Qionghai Dai, Donghyun Kim, and Peng Xi, "Superresolution structured illumination microscopy reconstruction algorithms: a review," Light: Science & Applications, 12, 1-34, July 12, 2023. LINK

[C66] Hajun Yoo, Hongki Lee, Woo Joong Rhee, Gwiyeong Moon, Changhun Lee, Jeon-Soo Shin, and Donghyun Kim, "Wide-field nanoscale imaging via near-field speckle illumination by nanoisland substrate," Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 12394, Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XX; 1239403, March 16, 2023. LINK

[C65] Seongmin Im, Hongki Lee, Changhun Lee, Hyunwoong Lee, Ho-Pui Ho, and Donghyun Kim, "Near-field scanning measurement of opto-thermal response of a single nanostructure," Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 12396, Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XX; 1239605, March 16, 2023. LINK

[C64] Gwiyeong Moon, Taehwang Son, Hajun Yoo, Changhun Lee, Hyunwoong Lee, Seongmin Im, and Donghyun Kim, "Distortion imaging and correction of emitter distortion near plasmonic nanostructure," Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 12396, Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XX; 1239603, March 16, 2023. LINK

Plasmon-induced distortion analyzed by defocused imaging [J133]


[J126] 고관휘, 서영희, 임성민, 이홍기, 박지영, 장원석, 김동현, "라만 기반 치매 모델의 뇌조직 분광 특성 측정 (Ex Vivo Raman Spectroscopy Measurement of a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease)," 한국광학회지 (Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics), 33(6), 331-337, December 25, 2022. LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK, Download

[J125] Taehwang Son, Gwiyeong Moon, Changhun Lee, Peng Xi, and Donghyun Kim, "Super-resolved three-dimensional near-field mapping by defocused imaging and tracking of fluorescent emitters," Nanophotonics, 11(21), 4805-4819, October 24, 2022. LINK, LINK

[O2] 임성민, 김동현, "플라스모닉스 기반의 바이오 영상 기술," K-Light (The Optical Society of Korea Magazine), 2022년 10월호 (Vol. 5, No. 4), 27-34, October 21, 2022. LINK The specific Issue or Chapter can be downloaded.

[C63] Gwiyeong Moon, Taehwang Son, Hongki Lee, and Donghyun Kim, "Deep learning based approach on interferometric plasmonic microscopy images for efficient detection of nanoparticle," Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 12197, Plasmonics: Design, Materials, Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications XX; 121970B, October 2, 2022. LINK, LINK, LINK

[J124, Invited Perspective] Gwiyeong Moon, Jongha Lee, Hyunwoong Lee, Hajun Yoo, Kwanhwi Ko, Seongmin Im, and Donghyun Kim, "Machine Learning and Its Applications for Plasmonics in Biology," Cell Reports Physical Science, 3(9), 101042, September 21, 2022. STATUS, LINK, LINK

[J123] Seung Yeon Lee, Hyun Jae Byun, Heelak Choi, Jong-In Won, Jeonghun Han, Sungsu Park, Donghyun Kim, and Jong Hwan Sung, "Development of a Pumpless Microfluidic System to Study the Interaction between Gut Microbes and Intestinal Epithelial Cells," Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 27, 221-233, May 2, 2022. LINK

[J122] Marzieh Pournoury and Donghyun Kim, "Bend-Resistant Octo-Wing Silica Segmented Cladding Fiber with High Index Rings," Results in Physics, 36, 105423, March 18, 2022. STATUS, LINK

[C62] Seongmin Im, Gwiyeong Moon, Eunji Sim, and Donghyun Kim, "Thermal extinction and image misregistration on metallic nanowire arrays," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 11995, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXX, 119950N, March 4, 2022. LINK

[C61] Hyunwoong Lee, Kyungnam Kang, and Donghyun Kim, "Planar segmentation for curved surface plasmon resonance," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 11978, Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XIX, 1197807, March 3, 2022. LINK

[C60] Hajun Yoo, Hongki Lee, Woo Joong Rhee, Gwiyeong Moon, Changhun Lee, Jeon-Soo Shin, and Donghyun Kim, "Nanospeckle illumination microscopy via randomly localized near-field speckle by nanocomposite islands," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 11976, Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XIX, 1197603, March 3, 2022. LINK

[C59] Hongki Lee, Hajun Yoo, Woo Joong Rhee, Gwiyeong Moon, Changhun Lee, Jeon-Soo Shin, and Donghyun Kim, "Disordered plasmonic substrate-based wide-field super-resolution imaging," Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 11978, Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XIX, 119780A, March 3, 2022. LINK

[J121] Hongki Lee, Joel Berk, Aaron Webster, Donghyun Kim, and Matthew R Foreman, "Label-free detection of single nanoparticles with disordered nanoisland surface plasmon sensor," arXiv October 14, 2021 LINK, Nanotechnology, 33(16), 165502, January 24, 2022 (online) and April 16, 2022 (print). LINK

NanoSIM for super-resolution microscopy [J114]

Plasmon-enhanced fluorescence correlation spectroscopy [J113]


[J120] Marzieh Pournoury, Seung-Ryong Han, Marjan Ghasemi, Hyeonwoo Lee, Donghyun Kim, and Kyunghwan Oh, "Silica segmented cladding fiber design and its fabrication using a powder-in-tube technique," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 39(22), 7251-7258, November 15, 2021. LINK

[B10] Kyungnam Kang, Seongmin Im, and Donghyun Kim, "Ch. 5 Metamaterials-based near-perfect absorbers in the visible and infrared range," in Metamaterials: Technology and Applications, Prof. Pankaj Kumar Choudhury ed., CRC Press, November 5, 2021, pp. 117-148. LINK, LINK, LINK 

[J119, Invited] Seung Yeon Lee, Donghyun Kim, Seung Hwan Lee, and Jong Hwan Sung, "Microtechnology-based in vitro models mimicking liver function and pathophysiology," APL Bioengineering, 5(4), 041505, October 15, 2021. LINK, Scilight

[J118, Invited] Hongki Lee, Hajun Yoo, Gwiyeong Moon, Kar-Ann Toh, Kentaro Mochizuki, Katsumasa Fujita, and Donghyun Kim, "Super-resolved Raman microscopy using random structured light illumination: concept and feasibility," Journal of Chemical Physics, Special Topic on Chemical Imaging, 155(14), 144202, October 14, 2021. LINK, Manuscript

[J117] Min-Hyeok Kim, Donghyun Kim, and Jong Hwan Sung, "A Gut-Brain Axis-on-a-Chip for studying transport across epithelial and endothelial barriers," Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 101, 126-134, September 25, 2021. LINK

[J116] Jooyoung Kim, Hongki Lee, Seongmin Im, Seung Ah Lee, Donghyun Kim, and Kar-Ann Toh, "Machine learning-based leaky momentum prediction of plasmonic random nanosubstrate," Optics Express, 29(19), 30625-30636, September 13, 2021. LINK, LINK

[J115] Kyungnam Kang, Hyunwoong Lee, and Donghyun Kim, "Effectiveness of high curvature segmentation on the curved flexible surface plasmon resonance," Optics Express, 29(17), 26955-26970, August 16, 2021. LINK, LINK

[J114, Cover] Hajun Yoo*, Hongki Lee*, Woo Joong Rhee, Gwiyeong Moon, Changhun Lee, Seung Ah Lee, Jeon-Soo Shin, and Donghyun Kim, "Disordered nanocomposite islands for nanospeckle illumination microscopy in wide-field super-resolution imaging," Advanced Optical Materials, 9(15), 2100211, August 4, 2021. *These authors contributed equally to this work. LINK, LINK, Manuscript The paper was featured in Hot Topic: Surfaces and Interfaces of Wiley. LINK

Plasmon-enhanced fluorescence correlation spectroscopy [J113]

[J113] Hongki Lee* , Woo Joong Rhee*, Gwiyeong Moon, Seongmin Im, Taehwang Son, Jeon-Soo Shin, and Donghyun Kim, "Plasmon-enhanced fluorescence correlation spectroscopy for super-localized detection of nanoscale subcellular dynamics," Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 184C, 113219, July 15, 2021. *These authors contributed equally to this work. STATUS, LINK, Manuscript

[J112] Sungchul Cho, Beom-Seok Oh, Donghyun Kim, and Kar-Ann Toh, "Palm-vein Verification Using Images from the Visible Spectrum," IEEE Access, 9, 86914-86927, June 15, 2021. LINK

[J111] Kyungnam Kang, Seongmin Im, Changhun Lee, Jungho Kim, and Donghyun Kim, "Nanoslot metasurface design and characterization for enhanced organic light-emitting diodes," Scientific Reports, 11:9232, April 29, 2021. LINK, LINK

[J110] Kyung Chul Lee, Kyungwon Lee, Jaewoo Jung, Se Hee Lee, Donghyun Kim, and Seung Ah Lee, "A Smartphone-Based Fourier Ptychographic Microscope Using the Display Screen for Illumination," ACS Photonics, 8(5), 1307–1315, April 23, 2021. LINK

[J109] Junsik Jung, Han-Cheol Moon, Jooyoung Kim, Donghyun Kim, and Kar-Ann Toh, "Wi-Fi based User Identification Using In-Air Handwritten Signature," IEEE Access, 9, 53548-53565, April 5, 2021. LINK

[C58] Hongki Lee, Seongmin Im, and Donghyun Kim, "Tip-based measurement of the spectral and angular response of plasmonic thin films," Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 11658, Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XVIII; 116580N, March 5, 2021. LINK

[C57] Seongmin Im, Gwiyeong Moon, and Donghyun Kim, "Dispersive effects on a diffractive optical element," Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 11680, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXIX; 116801C, March 5, 2021. LINK

[C56] Gwiyeong Moon, Jong-ryul Choi, Changhun Lee, Youngjin Oh, Kyung Hwan Kim, and Donghyun Kim, "Machine learning improves the way to design meta-plasmonic biosensors," Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 11661, Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XVIII; 116610P, March 5, 2021. LINK

[J108] Joong-won Jeon, Seung Hwan Lee, Donghyun Kim, and Jong Hwan Sung, "In Vitro Hepatic Steatosis Model based on Gut-liver-on-a-chip," Biotechnology Progress, 37(3), e3121, May/June 2021, (web) January 3, 2021. LINK

HeLa cell on PNAs for super-resolved Raman microscopy [J107]


[J107] Hongki Lee*, Kyungnam Kang*, Kentaro Mochizuki, Changhun Lee, Kar-Ann Toh, Seung Ah Lee, Katsumasa Fujita, and Donghyun Kim, "Surface plasmon localization-based super-resolved Raman microscopy," Nano Letters, 20(12), 8951–8958, (web) November 13 / (print) December 9, 2020. *These authors contributed equally to this work. LINK, Manuscript

[C55] Changhun Lee, Eunji Sim, and Donghyun Kim, "Characterization of surface plasmon resonance detection based on the colocalization effect inside metallic nanogap," Proceedings of SPIE 11525, Future Sensing Technologies; 115250J, November 8, 2020. LINK

[J106] Yong Jae Kim, Gwiyeong Moon, Hyeonaug Hong, JaeHyoung Yun, Seon Il Kim, Youngcheol Chae, Donghyun Kim, and WonHyoung Ryu, "Plasmon-stimulated Biophotovoltaic Cells based on Thylakoid AuNR Conjugate," Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8(45), 24192-24203, (web) October 28 / (print) December 7, 2020. LINK

[J105] Gwiyeong Moon*, Jong-ryul Choi*, Changhun Lee, Youngjin Oh, Kyung Hwan Kim, and Donghyun Kim, "Machine learning-based design of meta-plasmonic biosensors with negative index metamaterials," Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 164C, 112335, September 15, 2020. *These authors contributed equally to this work. STATUS, LINK, Manuscript This work was featured by KBS뉴스, 전자신문, 약업신문, 브레이크뉴스, 위클리오늘, 자치행정신문, 매일신문, 대구신문.

[J104] Seongmin Im, Gwiyeong Moon, and Donghyun Kim, "Dispersive effects in imaging polarimetry based on a wire-grid polarizer," Scientific Reports, 10, Article number: 9495, June 11, 2020. LINK, LINK

[B9] Wonju Lee, Seongmin Im, and Donghyun Kim, "Plasmonic Label-Free Optical Biosensor Techniques," p. 213-260, in Advances in Biosensing Technology for Medical Diagnosis, Han-Sheng Chuang (BME/NCKU, Taiwan) and Yi Ping Ho (BME/CUHK, Hong Kong) eds. (eISBN: 978-981-14-6480-5, ISBN: 978-981-14-6476-8, Bentham Science), October 21, 2020. eBOOK, eBOOK, LINK, eCHAPTER, LINK, LINK


[J103] Kyungwha Chung, Xingzhong Zhu, Xiaolu Zhuo, Yu Jin Jang, Chi Hun Choi, June Sang Lee, Seung-hoon Kim, Minju Kim, Kiheung Kim, Donghyun Kim, Hyung Chul Ham, Akira Baba, Jianfang Wang, and Dong Ha Kim, "Electrocatalytic Glycerol Oxidation Enabled by Surface Plasmon Polariton-induced Hot Carriers in Kretschmann Configuration," Nanoscale, 11(48), 23234-23240, December 28, 2019. LINK

[J102] Taehwang Son, Changhun Lee, Gwiyeong Moon, Dongsu Lee, Eunji Cheong, and Donghyun Kim, "Enhanced surface plasmon microscopy based on multi-channel spatial light switching for label-free neuronal imaging," Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 146C, 111738, October 7, 2019. STATUS, LINK

[J101] Tae Young Kang, Hyerin Song, Heesang Ahn, Hongki Lee, Seungchul Kim, Donghyun Kim, and Kyujung Kim, "Experimental confirmation of plasmonic field cancellation under specific conditions of trapezoidal nanopatterns," Optics Express, 27(20), 29168-29177, September 25, 2019. LINK, LINK

[J100] Gwiyeong Moon*, Taehwang Son*, Hongki Lee, and Donghyun Kim, "Deep Learning Approach for Enhanced Detection of Surface Plasmon Scattering," Analytical Chemistry, 91(15), 9538-9545, July 9, 2019. LINK, Manuscript *These authors contributed equally to this work.

[J99] Taehwang Son, Dongsu Lee, Changhun Lee, Gwiyeong Moon, Go Eun Ha, Hongki Lee, Hankyul Kwak, Eunji Cheong, and Donghyun Kim, "Superlocalized Three-Dimensional Live Imaging of Mitochondrial Dynamics in Neurons Using Plasmonic Nanohole Arrays," ACS Nano, 13(3), 3063-3074, March 26, 2019. LINK, Manuscript w/o figures, 한빛사, LINK

[J98] Byullee Park, Hongki Lee, Paul Kumar Upputuri, Manojit Pramanik, Donghyun Kim, and Chulhong Kim, "Super-resolution photoacoustic microscopy using near-field localization by a plasmonic metal nanoaperture: a simulation study," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 25(2), pp. 1-7, Article Sequence Number: 4600107, March 1, 2019 (March/April issue on Nanobiophotonics). LINK

[J97] Kyungnam Kang and Donghyun Kim, "Effective optical properties of nanoparticle-mediated surface plasmon resonance sensors," Optics Express, 27(3), 3091-3100, February 9, 2019. LINK, LINK

[C54] Gwiyeong Moon, Taehwang Son, Hongki Lee, and Donghyun Kim, "Spatially switched near field distribution using plasmonic random nanoislands," Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 10894, Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XVI; 108941H, March 7, 2019. LINK

[C53] Seongmin Im, Eunji Sim, and Donghyun Kim, "Thermal properties and extinction of a wire-grid polarizer," Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 10912, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXVII; 109121D, February 26, 2019. LINK

[B8] Hongki Lee, Hyunwoong Lee, Gwiyeong Moon, and Donghyun Kim, "Ch. 13 Design and Applications of Optical Near-Field Antenna Network for Nanoscale Biomolecular Information," in John Vacca, ed., Nanoscale Networking and Communications Handbook, CRC Press, July 22, 2019. LINK, LINK


[J96] Kyungwha Chung, June Sang Lee, Eunah Kim, Kyung-Eun Lee, Kiheung Kim, Donghyun Kim, Sang-Ouk Kim, Seokwoo Jeon, Hyesung Park, Dong-wook Kim, and Dong Ha Kim, "Enhancing the Performance of Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor via Modulation of Electron Density at the Graphene-Gold Interface," Advanced Materials Interfaces, 5(19), 1800433, October 9, 2018. LINK

[J95] Seongmin Im, Eunji Sim, and Donghyun Kim, "Microscale heat transfer and thermal extinction of a wire-grid polarizer," Scientific Reports, 8, Article number: 14973, October 8, 2018. LINK, LINK, LINK

[J94] Taehwang Son, Jinwon Seo, In-Hong Choi, and Donghyun Kim, "Label-free quantification of cell-to-substrate separation by surface plasmon resonance microscopy," Optics Communications (Special issue on Trends in Label-Free Imaging), 422C, 64-68, September 1, 2018. LINK, LINK

[J93, Cover] Taehwang Son*, Gwiyeong Moon*, Hongki Lee, and Donghyun Kim, "Metallic 3D random nanocomposite islands for near-field spatial light switching," Advanced Optical Materials, 6(10), 1701219, May 22, 2018. *These authors contributed equally to this work. LINK This work was featured by 연합뉴스, 조선일보, 대전일보, 디지털타임즈, 서울신문, 한겨레, 중도일보, 일요신문, 뉴스줌.

[J92] Taehwang Son, Changhun Lee, Jinwon Seo, In-Hong Choi, and Donghyun Kim, "Surface plasmon microscopy by spatial light switching for label-free imaging with enhanced resolution," Optics Letters, 43(4), 959-962, February 15, 2018. LINK, LINK Selected for the Spotlight on Optics. LINK

[C52] Changhun Lee, Eunji Sim, and Donghyun Kim, "Numerical analysis of blazed wire-grid polarizer for plasmonic enhancement," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 10526, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXVI; 105262H, February 23, 2018. LINK

[C51] Taehwang Son and Donghyun Kim, "Quantitative image analysis of angle scanning label-free surface plasmon resonance microscopy," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 10509: Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XV, 1050906, February 23, 2018. LINK

[C50] Kiheung Kim, Wonju Lee, Kyungwha Chung, Hongki Lee, Taehwang Son, Youngjin Oh, Yun-Feng Xiao, Dong-Ha Kim, and Donghyun Kim, "Ultrasensitive colocalization detection based on plasmonic nanolithography with molecular-overlapped optical near-fields," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 10506, Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XV; 1050610, February 20, 2018. LINK

[C49] Byullee Park, Hongki Lee, Paul Kumar Upputuri, Manojit Pramanik, Donghyun Kim, and Chulhong Kim, "Super-resolution photoacoustic microscopy using a localized near-field of a plasmonic nanoaperture: a three-dimensional simulation study," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 10494, Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2018; 104945T, February 19, 2018. LINK

Near-field switching with nanoislands [J93]


[J91] Changhun Lee, Eunji Sim, and Donghyun Kim, "Effect of nanogap-based light-matter colocalization on the surface plasmon resonance detection," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(21), 4721-4727, November 1, 2017. LINK

[J90] Tae Young Kang, Wonju Lee, Heesang Ahn, Dong-Myeong Shin, Chang-Seok Kim, Jin-Woo Oh, Donghyun Kim, and Kyujung Kim, "Plasmon-coupled whispering gallery modes on nanodisk arrays for signal enhancements," Scientific Reports, 7, Article number: 11737, September 15, 2017. LINK, LINK

[J89] Kiheung Kim*, Wonju Lee*, Kyungwha Chung, Hongki Lee, Taehwang Son, Youngjin Oh, Yun-Feng Xiao, Dong Ha Kim, and Donghyun Kim, "Molecular overlap with optical near-fields based on plasmonic nanolithography for ultrasensitive label-free detection by light-matter colocalization," Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 96, 89-98, October 15, 2017. *These authors contributed equally to this work. STATUS, LINK

[J88] Changhun Lee, Eunji Sim, and Donghyun Kim, "Blazed wire-grid polarizer for plasmon-enhanced polarization extinction: design and analysis," Optics Express, 25(7), 8098-8107, March 29, 2017. LINK, LINK

[J87] Yoon Hee Jang, Adila Rani, Li Na Quan, Valerio Adinolfi, Pongsakorn Kanjanaboos, Olivier Ouellette, Taehwang Son, Yu Jin Jang, Kyungwha Chung, Hannah Kwon, Donghyun Kim, Dong Ha Kim, and Edward H. Sargent, "Graphene oxide shells on plasmonic nanostructures lead to high-performance photovoltaics: a model study based on dye-sensitized solar cells," ACS Energy Letters, 2, 117–123, 2017 (published on the web on Dec 5, 2016). LINK Highlighted in the recent virtual issue “Plasmons for Energy Conversion”.

Handbook of Photonics for Biomedical Engineering [B6]

[C48] Changhun Lee and Donghyun Kim, "Theoretical analysis of optical conveyor belt with plasmonic nanodisk array," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 10324: International Conference on Nano-Bio Sensing, Imaging, and Spectroscopy 2017, 1032407, July 12, 2017. LINK, LINK, PDF

[C47] Hyunwoong Lee and Donghyun Kim, "Segmented wave analysis of surface plasmon resonance on curved surface," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 10324: International Conference on Nano-Bio Sensing, Imaging, and Spectroscopy 2017, 1032406, July 12, 2017. LINK, LINK, PDF

[C46] Hongki Lee and Donghyun Kim, "Plasmonic super-localization using nano-post arrays for biomedical spectroscopy," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 10077: Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XIV, 100771A, February 22, 2017. LINK, LINK

[C45] Hyunwoong Lee and Donghyun Kim, "Analysis of curvature effects on plasmon biosensing of molecular interactions," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 10080: Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XIV, 100800O, February 17, 2017. LINK, LINK

[C44] Taehwang Son and Donghyun Kim, "Localized surface plasmon enhanced cellular imaging using random metallic structures," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 10080: Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XIV, 100800E, February 17, 2017. LINK, LINK
[B7] Youngjin Oh, Jong-ryul Choi, Wonju Lee, and Donghyun Kim, "Surface plasmon-enhanced super-localization microscopy," A. H. P. Ho, D. Kim, and M. G. Somekh, eds., Handbook of Photonics for Biomedical Engineering (Springer). LINK

[B6] A. H. P. Ho, D. Kim, and M. G. Somekh, eds., Handbook of Photonics for Biomedical Engineering, Springer Reference Works, ISBN: 978-9400750517 (print), 978-9400761742 (online), March 2017. LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK, static ebookliving edition, LINK

[B5] Wonju Lee, Taehwang Son, Changhun Lee, Yongjin Oh, and Donghyun Kim, "Ultra-sensitive surface plasmon resonance detection by colocalized 3D plasmonic nanogap arrays," Avraham Rasooly and Ben Prickril, eds., Biosensors and Biodetection: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition (Springer). LINK, LINK, LINK

Handbook of Photonics for Biomedical Engeineering [B6]


[J86] Hyunwoong Lee and Donghyun Kim, "Curvature effects on flexible surface plasmon resonance biosensing: segmented-wave analysis," Optics Express, 24(11), 11994-12006, May 24, 2016. LINK, LINK

[J85] Hyerin Song, Jong-ryul Choi, Wonju Lee, Dong-Myeong Shin, Donghyun Kim, Dongyun Lee, and Kyujung Kim, "Plasmonic signal enhancements using randomly distributed nanoparticles on a stochastic nanostructure substrate," Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 51(7-9), 646-655, March 22, 2016. LINK

[J84] Jong-ryul Choi, Hyerin Song, Jong Hwan Sung, Donghyun Kim, and Kyujung Kim, "Microfluidic assay-based optical measurement techniques for cell analysis: a review of recent progress," Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 77, 227–236, March 15, 2016. LINK

[J83] Bo-Qiang Shen, Xiao-Chong Yu, Yanyan Zhi, Li Wang, Donghyun Kim, Qihuang Gong, and Yun-Feng Xiao, "Detection of single nanoparticles using the dissipative interaction in a high-Q microcavity," Physical Review Applied, 5(2), 024011, February 26, 2016. LINK The research was highlighted: LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK

[C43] Taehwang Son, Youngjin Oh, Wonju Lee, Heejin Yang, and Donghyun Kim, "Surface plasmon enhanced cell microscopy with blocked random spatial activation," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 9721: Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XIII, 97210A, April 22, 2016. LINK, LINK

[C42] Wonju Lee, Youngjin Oh, Kyujung Kim, Yoshiaki Kinosita, Nagisa Mikami, Takayuki Nishizaka, and Donghyun Kim, "Plasmonic nanohole-based sub-diffraction-limited fluorescence microscopy for imaging of gliding biomolecules," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 9721: Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XIII, 972107, April 22, 2016. LINK, LINK

[C41] Hongki Lee, Chulhong Kim, and Donghyun Kim, "Near-field localization by two dimensional metallic nano-post arrays with ultrashort light pulses," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 9724: Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XIII, 972415, April 22, 2016. LINK, LINK

[C40] Taehwang Son, Wonju Lee, and Donghyun Kim, "Super-resolved image acquisition with full-field localization based microscopy: theoretical analysis and evaluation," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 9714: Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Superresolution Imaging IX, 971410, March 1, 2016. LINK, LINK

[B4] Youngjin Oh, Jong-ryul Choi, Wonju Lee, and Donghyun Kim, "Surface plasmon enhanced super-localization microscopy," A. H. P. Ho, D. Kim, and M. G. Somekh, eds., Handbook of Photonics for Biomedical Engineering, Springer Netherlands (September 27, 2014 available on-line). LINK


[O1] 김동현, 김철홍, "한국광학회 바이오포토닉스 분과," 광학과 기술 (Optical Science and Technology), 19권 4호, 15-18, October, 2015. LINK

[J82] Hongki Lee, Chulhong Kim, and Donghyun Kim, "Sub-10 nm near-field localization by plasmonic metal nanoaperture arrays with ultrashort light pulses," Scientific Reports, 5, 17584, December 2, 2015. LINK, pdf

[J81] Joung-Woo Choi, Kasala Dayananda, Soo-Jung Jung, Soo-Hwan Lee, Donghyun Kim, Jun Hu, You Han Bae, and Chae-Ok Yun, "Enhanced anti-tumor efficacy and safety profile of tumor microenvironment-responsive oncolytic adenovirus nanocomplex by systemic administration," Acta Biomaterialia, 28, 86–98, December 1, 2015. LINK

[J80] Wonju Lee, Yoshiaki Kinosita, Youngjin Oh, Nagisa Mikami, Heejin Yang, Makoto Miyata, Takayuki Nishizaka, and Donghyun Kim, "Three-dimensional superlocalization imaging of gliding Mycoplasma mobile by extraordinary light transmission through arrayed nanoholes," ACS Nano, 9(11), 10896–10908, October 15, 2015. LINK, LINK

[J79] Taehwang Son, Wonju Lee, and Donghyun Kim, "Localization-based full-field microscopy: how to attain super-resolved images," Scientific Reports, 5, Article number: 12365, July 23, 2015. LINK

[J78] Kyungwha Chung, Adila Rani, Ji-Eun Lee, Ji Eun Kim, Yonghwi Kim, Heejin Yang, Sang Ouk Kim, Donghyun Kim, and Dong Ha Kim, "A systematic study on the sensitivity enhancement in graphene plasmonics sensors based on layer-by-layer self-assembled graphene oxide multilayers and their reduced anologues," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(1), 144–151, January 2, 2015. LINK

[C39] Hyerin Song, Jong-ryul Choi, Wonju Lee, Donghyun Kim, Dongyun Lee, and Kyujung Kim, "The gap-plasmonic effect induced on a silver nanoisland substrate for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 9523: International Conference on Nano-Bio Sensing, Imaging, and Spectroscopy 2015, 95230D, July 8, 2015. LINK

[C38] Donghyun Kim, Wonju Lee, and Taehwang Son, "Engineering optical near-fields for highly efficient surface-enhanced nanoplasmonics," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 9523: International Conference on Nano-Bio Sensing, Imaging, and Spectroscopy 2015, 952308, July 8, 2015. LINK

[C37] Wonju Lee, Jong-ryul Choi, Kyujung Kim, Youngjin Oh, Heejin Yang, and Donghyun Kim, "Sub-diffraction-limited axial imaging of live cells using linear nanoaperture arrays based on extraordinary transmission," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 9523: International Conference on Nano-Bio Sensing, Imaging, and Spectroscopy 2015, 95230H, July 8, 2015. LINK

[C36] Heejin Yang, Taewon Hwang, and Donghyun Kim, "Probabilistic approach for sensing performances of localized surface plasmon resonance biosensors," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 9523: International Conference on Nano-Bio Sensing, Imaging, and Spectroscopy 2015, 95230L, July 8, 2015. LINK

[C35] Wonju Lee, Jong-ryul Choi, Kyujung Kim, and Donghyun Kim, "Extraordinary transmission-based super-resolved axial imaging using subwavelength metallic nanoaperture arrays," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 9337: Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XII, 93370A, March 19, 2015. LINK, LINK

[C34] Taehwang Son and Donghyun Kim, "Theoretical approach to surface plasmon scattering microscopy for single nanoparticle detection in near infrared region," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol, 9430: Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XII, 93400W, March 11, 2015. LINK, LINK

[B3] Donghyun Kim, Min-Gon Kim, and Seung-Han Park, ed., Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9523 International Conference on Nano-Bio Sensing, Imaging, and Spectroscopy 2015 (ISBN: 9781628416794), July 9, 2015. LINK

Super-resolved intracellular detection [J70]


[J77] Heejin Yang, Wonju Lee, Taewon Hwang, and Donghyun Kim, "Probabilistic evaluation of surface-enhanced localized surface plasmon resonance biosensing," Optics Express, 22(23), 28412-28426, November 17, 2014. LINK, LINK

[J76] Youngjin Oh*, Taehwang Son*, Sook Young Kim, Wonju Lee, Heejin Yang, Jong-ryul Choi, Jeon-Soo Shin, and Donghyun Kim, "Surface plasmon-enhanced nanoscopy of intracellular cytoskeletal actin filaments using random nanodot arrays," Optics Express, 22(22), 27695-27706, November 3, 2014. *These authors contributed equally to this work. LINK, LINK

[J75] Jungwoo Lee, Jong-ryul Choi, Sang Keun Ha, Inwook Choi, Seung Hwan Lee, Donghyun Kim, Nakwon Choi, and Jong Hwan Sung, "A microfluidic device for evaluating the dynamics of metabolism-dependent antioxidant activity of nutrients," Lab on a Chip, 14(16), 2948-2957, June 12, 2014. LINK, LINK

[J74] Namil Kim, Changdev G. Gadhe, Seung Joo Cho, Youngjin Oh, Donghyun Kim, and Kiwon Song, "A protoberberine derivative HWY336 selectively inhibits MKK4 and MKK7 in mammalian cells: the importance of activation loop on selectivity," PLOS One, 9(4), e91037, April 23, 2014. LINK, LINK

[J73] Saji Thomas Kochuveedu, Taehwang Son, Youmin Lee, Minyung Lee, Donghyun Kim, and Dong Ha Kim, "Revolutionizing the FRET-based light emission in core-shell nanostructures via comprehensive activity of surface plasmons," Scientific Reports, 4, Article number: 4735, April 22, 2014. LINK, LINK

[J72] Yeonsoo Ryu*, Seyoung Moon*, Youngjin Oh, Yonghwi Kim, Taewoong Lee, Dong Ha Kim, and Donghyun Kim, "Effect of coupled graphene oxide on the sensitivity of surface plasmon resonance detection," Applied Optics, 53(7), 1419–1426, March 1, 2014. *These authors contributed equally to this work. LINK, LINK

[C33] Taehwang Son, Saji Thomas Kochuveedu, Dong Ha Kim, and Donghyun Kim, "Near-field analysis of CdSe quantum dot conjugated core-shell nanoparticle complexes," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8954: Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications X, 89540V, February 20, 2014. LINK

[C32] Youngjin Oh, Wonju Lee, Sook Young Kim, Jeon-Soo Shin, and Donghyun Kim, "Live cell imaging based on surface plasmon-enhanced fluorescence microscopy using random nanostructures," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8954: Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications X, 89540E, February 20, 2014. LINK

[J71] Youngjin Oh, Wonju Lee, Yonghwi Kim, and Donghyun Kim, "Self-aligned colocalization of 3D plasmonic nanogap arrays for ultra-sensitive surface plasmon resonance detection," Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 51, 401-407, January 15, 2014. LINK, LINK, LINK

[J70, Cover] Jong-ryul Choi*, Kyujung Kim*, Youngjin Oh, Ah Leum Kim, Sook Young Kim, Jeon-Soo Shin, and Donghyun Kim, "Extraordinary transmission based plasmonic nanoarrays for axially super-resolved cell imaging," Advanced Optical Materials, 2(1), 48-55, January 13, 2014. *These authors contributed equally to this work. LINK, LINK Featured by YTN, Yonhap News, UNN, Donga Science, 매일경제, 아시아경제, NEWSWIRE, Financial News, FN Today, 대덕넷, NEWSPIM, 전자신문, 사이언스타임즈, and 미래창조과학부


[J69] Yoon Hee Jang, Kyungwha Chung, Li Na Quan, Barbora Špačková, Hana Šípová, Seyoung Moon, Won Joon Cho, Hae-Young Shin, Yu Jin Jang, Ji-Eun Lee, Saji Thomas Kochuveedu, Min Ji Yoon, Jihyeon Kim, Seokhyun Yoon, Jin Kon Kim, Donghyun Kim, Jiří Homola, and Dong Ha Kim, "Configuration-controlled Au nanocluster arrays with unique plasmonic coupling property on reconstructed inverse micelle nanopatterns: versatile platforms for SERS and advanced Kretschmann-type SPR sensors," Nanoscale, 5(24), 12261-12271, December 21, 2013. LINK, LINK

[J68] Jong-ryul Choi and Donghyun Kim, "Notch spatial filtering of image artifacts for structured illumination microscopy of cell-based assays," Optics Communications, 308C, 142-146, November 1, 2013. LINK, LINK, LINK

[J67] 류연수, 손태황, 김동현, "근접장-분자반응 간의 중첩을 이용한 표면 플라스몬 공명 센서 감도 평가에 관한 연구 (Near−field evaluation of surface plasmon resonance biosensor sensitivity based on the overlap between field and target distribution)," 한국광학회지 (Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics), 24(2), 86-91, April 25, 2013. LINK, DL

[J66] Hojeong Yu, Kyujung Kim, Kyungjae Ma, Wonju Lee, Joung-Woo Choi, Chae-Ok Yun, and Donghyun Kim, "Enhanced detection of virus particles by nanoisland-based localized surface plasmon resonance," Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 41, 249-255, March 15, 2013. LINK, LINK

[J65] Kyungwha Chung, Jieun Lee, Ji-Eun Lee, Ji Yong Lee, Seyoung Moon, King Hang Aaron Lau, Donghyun Kim, Dong Ha Kim, "A simple and efficient strategy for the sensitivity enhancement of DNA hybridization based on the coupling between propagating and localized surface plasmons,” Sensors and Actuators B, 176, 1074–1080, January 1, 2013. LINK, LINK

[C31] Jong-ryul Choi and Donghyun Kim, "Fluorescence image detection and reconstruction by subtractive light illumination using a digital micromirror device," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8618: Emerging Digital Micromirror Device Based Systems and Applications V, 861808, March 8, 2013. LINK

[C30] Youngjin Oh, Yonghwi Kim, Wonju Lee, and Donghyun Kim, "Nanoplasmonic co-localization for highly sensitive surface plasmon resonance detection of molecular interactions," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8597: Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine X, 85970R, February 21, 2013. LINK, LINK

[B2] (Book Chapter) K. Kim, Y. Oh, and D. Kim, "Enhanced optical biosensors based on nanoplasmonics," Ch. 14 Enhanced Optical Biosensors Based on Nanoplasmonics, pp. 252-269, in Bio-Nanotechnology: A Revolution in Food, Biomedical and Health Sciences, edited by Hiroyoshi Moriyama and Debasis Bagchi, Wiley, ISBN: 978-0-470-67037-8, February 18, 2013. LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK


[J64] Yonghwi Kim, Kyungwha Chung, Wonju Lee, Dong Ha Kim, and Donghyun Kim, "Nanogap-based dielectric-specific colocalization for highly sensitive surface plasmon resonance detection of biotin-streptavidin interactions," Applied Physics Letters, 101(23), 233701, December 3, 2012. LINK, LINK

[J63] W. Lee, K. Kim, and D. Kim, "Electromagnetic near-field nanoantennas for subdiffraction-limited surface plasmon-enhanced light microscopy," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 18(6), 1684-1691, November 1 (November/December issue), 2012. LINK, LINK

[J62] Jong-ryul Choi and Donghyun Kim, "Enhanced image reconstruction of 3D fluorescent assays by subtractive structured light illumination microscopy," Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 29(10), 2165–2173, October 1, 2012. LINK, LINK

[J61] Yeonsoo Ryu, Seyoung Moon, Youngjin Oh, Yonghwi Kim, and Donghyun Kim, "An experimental correlation study between field-target overlap and sensitivity of surface plasmon resonance biosensors based on sandwiched immunoassays," Optics Communications, 285(21-22), 4626–4631, October 1, 2012. LINK, LINK

[J60] Hojeong Yu, Youngjin Oh, Soowon Kim, Seok Ho Song, and Donghyun Kim, "Polarization extinction-based detection of DNA hybridization in situ using a nanoparticle wire-grid polarizer," Optics Letters, 37(18), 3867–3869, September 15, 2012. LINK

[J59] W. Lee and D. Kim, "Field-matter integral overlap to estimate the sensitivity of surface plasmon resonance biosensors," Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 29(7), 1367-1376, July 1, 2012. LINK, LINK

[J58] Jongcheol Park, Jiyu Won, Donghyun Kim, Min-Sik Jo, and Jae Yeong Park, "Piezoelectrically operated MEMS corner cube retroreflector for optical communications," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 22(5), 055007, May 1, 2012. LINK Featured in LINK

[J57] J. Won, Y. Oh, J. Park, J. Y. Park, M.-S. Jo, and D. Kim, "Development and characterization of piezoelectrically actuated corner cube retroreflectors (PA-CCRs) for applications in free-space optical sensor network," Applied Optics, 51(13), 2315-2321, May 1, 2012. LINK

[J56, Cover] K. Kim, J. Yajima, Y. Oh, W. Lee, S. Oowada, T. Nishizaka, and D. Kim, "Nanoscale localization sampling based on nanoantenna arrays for super-resolution imaging of fluorescent monomers on sliding microtubules," Small, 8(6), 892-900, March 26, 2012. LINK Featured by Yonhap News, Joongang Daily, Seoul, Hankyung, Segye, Daejon, Digital Times, Donga Science, UNN, Yahoo Korea, Newsis, and Ministry of Education

[J55] J. Choi, K. Kim, and D. Kim, "In situ fluorescence optical detection using a digital micromirror device (DMD) for 3D cell-based assays," Journal of the Optical Society of Korea, 16(1), 42-46, March 25, 2012. LINK

[J54] S. Moon, Y. Kim, Y. Oh, H. Lee, H. C. Kim, K. Lee, and D. Kim, "Grating-based surface plasmon resonance detection of core-shell nanoparticle mediated DNA hybridization," Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 32(1), 141-147, February 15, 2012. LINK, LINK

[C29] J. Choi, Y. Oh, and D. Kim, "Design of multiple nano-ring based metallic nanophotonic superlens," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8264: Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XVI, 82641A, February 9, 2012. LINK

Microtubule imaging with NLS [J56]


[J53] 이원주, 오영진, 김동현, "생체분자와 필드의 동시국소화를 통한 플라스몬 센서의 감도향상 연구 (Enhanced detection sensitivity of surface plasmon resonance biosensing based on co-localized target molecules and evanescent fields)," 한국광학회지 (Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics), 22(4), 198-203, August, 2011. LINK, LINK

[J52] S. M. Jang, D. Kim, S. H. Choi, K. M. Byun, and S. J. Kim, "Enhancement of localized surface plasmon resonance detection by incorporating metal-dielectric double-layered nanogratings," Applied Optics, 50(18), 2846-2854, June 20, 2011. LINK

[J51] 류호정, 김희영, 김동현, "전극 기반의 전하 주입을 통한 DNA 전하수송 특성 측정 (Probe-based charge injection study of DNA charge transfer for applications to molecular electro-optic switching)," 대한전자공학회논문지 (Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea), 2011-48SC-3-8, 48-SC(3), 53-59, May, 2011. LINK

[J50] Y. Oh, W. Lee, and D. Kim, "Colocalization of gold nanoparticle-conjugated DNA hybridization for enhanced surface plasmon detection using nanograting antennas," Optics Letters, 36(8), 1353-1355, April 15, 2011. LINK Included in Top Downloaded Articles in Instrumentation and Measurement from Optics Letters, August 16, 2012.

[J49] A. R. Halpern, Y. Chen, R. M. Corn, and D. Kim, "Surface plasmon resonance phase imaging measurements of patterned monolayers and DNA adsorption onto microarrays," Analytical Chemistry, 83(7), 2801-2806, April 1, 2011. LINK

[C28] S. Moon, Y. Oh, D. Kim, H. Lee, H. C. Kim, and K. Lee, "Gold @ silica core-shell nanoparticle for enhanced surface plasmon resonance detection of DNA hybridization in combination with gold nanowire gratings," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8099: Biosensing and Nanomedicine, Paper No. 8099-24, September 12, 2011. LINK

[C27] Y. Oh, J. Choi, and D. Kim, "Enhanced light transmission through a metallic nanolens consisting of multiple nano-rings," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7941: Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XV, Paper No. 7941-46, February 8, 2011. LINK, LINK

Host cell on nanoislands [J44]


[J48] K. Kim, Y. Oh, W. Lee, and D. Kim, "Plasmonics-based spatially activated light microscopy for super-resolution imaging of molecular fluorescence," Optics Letters, 35(20), 3501-3503, October 15, 2010. LINK

[J47] S. A. Kim, K. M. Byun, K. Kim, S. M. Jang, K. Ma, Y. Oh, D. Kim, S. G. Kim, M. L. Shuler, and S. J. Kim, "Surface-enhanced localized surface plasmon resonance biosensing of avian influenza DNA hybridization using subwavelength metallic nanoarray," Nanotechnology, 21(35), 355503, September 3 (published online on August 9), 2010. LINK, LINK; Erratum

[J46] J. Oh, Y. W. Chang, S. Yoo, D. J. Kim, S. Im, Y. J. Park, D. Kim, and K.-H. Yoo, "Carbon nanotube-based dual mode biosensor for electrical and surface plasmon resonance measurements," Nano Letters, 10(8), 2755-2760, August 11, 2010. LINK

[J45, Invited] K. Ma, D. J. Kim, K. Kim, S. Moon, and D. Kim, "Target-localized nanograting-based surface plasmon resonance detection toward label-free molecular biosensing," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 16(4), 1004-1014, July 1 (July/August issue), 2010. LINK

Adenoviruses under SUPRA-TIRFM [J44]

[J44, Cover] K. Kim, J.-W. Choi, K. Ma, R. Lee, K.-H. Yoo, C.-O. Yun, and D. Kim, "Nanoislands-based random activation of fluorescence for visualizing endocytotic internalization of adenovirus," Small, 6(12), 1293-1299, June 21, 2010. LINK Featured in Electronics News (전자신문) (Korean) and Materials View.

[J43] D. J. Kim and D. Kim, "Subwavelength grating-based nanoplasmonic modulation for surface plasmon resonance imaging with enhanced resolution," Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 27(6), 1252-1259, June 1, 2010. LINK

[J42] J. Choi, J. H. Sung, M. L. Shuler, and D. Kim, "Investigation of portable in situ fluorescence optical detection for microfluidic 3D cell culture assays," Optics Letters, 35(9), 1374-1376, May 1, 2010. LINK Selected for the June 1, 2010 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research and the July 6, 2010 issue of the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics (VJBO).

[B1] D. Kim, "Nanostructure-based localized surface plasmon resonance biosensors," pp. 181-207, Ch. 9, in Optical Guided-Wave Chemical and Biosensors I, Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors Vol. 7, edited by M. Zourob and A. Lakhtakia, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-540-88241-1, March 18, 2010. LINK, LINK

[C26] J. Choi, J. H. Sung, M. L. Shuler, and D. Kim, "Confocal fluorescence detection for 3D cultured mammalian cells in a microfluidic cell culture system," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7568: Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues VIII, 75680X, February 24, 2010. LINK

[C25] Y. Oh, K. Kim, D. Kim, and E. Sim, "Momentum mismatch for improved plasmon enhanced fluorescence emission," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7577: Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine VII, 757719, February 16, 2010. LINK

[J41] R. Lee, P. H. Kim, K. Kim, D. Kim, C.-O. Yun, and K.-H. Yoo, "Capacitance-based real time monitoring of receptor-mediated endocytosis," Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 25(6), 1325-1332, February 15, 2010. LINK

[C24] J. Choi, J. H. Sung, M. L. Shuler, and D. Kim, "Confocal fluorescence detection of cell-based assays using a digital micromirror device," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7596: Emerging Digital Micromirror Device Based Systems and Applications II, 759608, Febuary 10, 2010. LINK

[J40] S. Moon, D. J. Kim, K. Kim, D. Kim, H. Lee, K. Lee, and S. Haam, "Surface-enhanced plasmon resonance detection of nanoparticle-conjugated DNA hybridization," Applied Optics, 49(3), 484-491, January 20, 2010. LINK


[J39] K. Kim, Y. Oh, K. Ma, E. Sim, and D. Kim, "Plasmon-enhanced total internal reflection fluorescence by momentum mismatched surface nanostructures," Optics Letters, 34(24), 3905-3907, December 15, 2009. LINK

[J38] J. H. Sung, J. Choi, D. Kim, and M. L. Shuler, "Fluorescence optical detection in situ for real-time monitoring of cytochrome P450 enzymatic activity of liver cells in multiple microfluidic devices," Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 104(3), 516-525, May 20 (published online), October 15, 2009. LINK

[J37] K. Kim, D. J. Kim, S. Moon, D. Kim, and K. M. Byun, "Localized surface plasmon resonance detection of layered biointeractions on metallic subwavelength nanogratings," Nanotechnology, 20(31), 315501, July 13 (published online), August 5, 2009 (selected as an article of particular interest). LINK

[J36] K. Ma, D. J. Kim, and D. Kim, "Numerical evaluation of periodic nanowire-based phase sensitive surface plasmon resonance detection," Current Applied Physics, 9(4), Suppl. 1, e239-e242, July, 2009 (Nanobio-Seoul 2008 Special Issue). LINK

[J35] Y. Oh, N. Jeon, J. Kim, and D. Kim, "Optical detection of squamous cell carcinomas ex vivo for early diagnosis of cancerous oral tissues using combined spatial variance and ratio based determinants," Current Applied Physics, 9(4), Suppl. 1, e206-e209, July, 2009 (Nanobio-Seoul 2008 Special Issue). LINK

[J34] J. Kang, J. Yang, J. Lee, S. J. Oh, S. Moon, H. J. Lee, S. Lee, J.-H. Son, D. Kim, K. Lee, J.-S. Suh, Y.-M. Huh, and S. Haam, "Gold-layered calcium phosphate plasmonic resonants for localized photothermal treatment of human epithelial cancer," Journal of Materials Chemistry, 19(19), 2902-2905, April 6 (published online as an advanced article), 2009. LINK

[J33] K. M. Byun, S. M. Jang, S. J. Kim, and D. Kim, "Effect of target localization on the sensitivity of a localized surface plasmon resonance biosensor based on subwavelength nanostructures," Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 26(4), 1027-1034, March 25 (published online), April 1, 2009. LINK

[C23] K. Kim, D. J. Kim, E.-J. Cho, J.-S. Seo, Y.-M. Huh, and D. Kim, "Effect of silver nanoislands-embedded grating for surface plasmon based total internal reflection fluorescence imaging," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7224: Quantum Dots, Particles, and Nanoclusters VI, K. G. Eyink, F. Szmulowicz, and D. L. Huffaker, Eds., 722417, February 18, 2009. LINK

[J32] K. Kim, D. J. Kim, E.-J. Cho, J.-S. Suh, Y.-M. Huh, and D. Kim, "Nanograting-based plasmon enhancement for total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy of live cells," Nanotechnology, 20(1), 015202, December 5 (published online), January 7, 2009. LINK


[J31] K. M. Byun, S. J. Yoon, and D. Kim, "Effect of surface roughness on the extinction-based localized surface plasmon resonance biosensors," Applied Optics, 47(31), 5886-5892, October 29 (published online), November 1, 2008. LINK

[J30] H. Ryu, S. J. Yoon, and D. Kim, "Influence of surface roughness on the polarimetric characteristics of a wire-grid polarizer," Applied Optics, 47(30), 5715-5721, October 17 (published online), October 20, 2008. LINK

Cover [J29]

[J29, Cover] S.-B. Seo, J. Yang, E.-S. Lee, Y. Jung, K. Kim, S.-Y. Lee, D. Kim, J.-S. Suh, Y.-M. Huh, and S. Haam, "Nanohybrids via polycation-based nanoemulsion method for dual-mode detection of human mesenchymal stem cells," Journal of Materials Chemistry, 18(37), 4402-4407, October 7, 2008. LINK

[J28] K. M. Byun, M. L. Shuler, S. J. Kim, S. J. Yoon, and D. Kim, "Sensitivity enhancement of surface plasmon resonance imaging using periodic metallic nanowires," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 26(11), 1472-1478, June 1, 2008. LINK

[J27] S. J. Yoon and D. Kim, "Target dependence of the sensitivity in periodic nanowire-based localized surface plasmon resonance biosensors," Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 25(3), 725-735, February 20 (published online), March 1, 2008. LINK

[J26] D. Kim and E. Sim, "Segmented coupled-wave analysis of a curved wire-grid polarizer," Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 25(3), 558-565, February 4 (published online), March 1, 2008. LINK

[C22] K. Kim, E.-J. Cho, Y.-M. Huh, and D. Kim, "Feasibility study of enhanced total internal reflection imaging using dielectric films," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6850: Multimodal Biomedical Imaging III, 68500R, February 12, 2008. LINK

[J25] H. Park, J. Yang, S. Seo, K. Kim, J. Suh, D. Kim, S. Haam, and K.-H. Yoo, "Multifunctional nanoparticles for photothermally controlled drug delivery and MRI enhancement," Small, 4(2), 192-196, January 18 (published online), February 1, 2008. LINK, LINK

[J24] S. Moon, D. Kim, and E. Sim, "Monte Carlo study of coherent diffuse photon transport in a turbid medium: a degree-of-coherence based approach," Applied Optics, 47(3), 336-345, January 14, 2008. LINK


[J23] K. Kim, E.-J. Cho, Y.-M. Huh, and D. Kim, "Thin film-based sensitivity enhancement for total internal reflection fluorescence live-cell imaging," Optics Letters, 32(21), 3062-3064, November 1, 2007. LINK

[J22] T. Oh, J. H. Sung, D. A. Tatosian, M. L. Shuler, and D. Kim, "Real-time fluorescence detection of multiple microscale cell culture analog devices in situ," Cytometry A, 71A(10), 857-865, June 8 (pulished online), October 1, 2007 (featured in In This Issue). LINK, LINK

[J21] K. M. Byun, S. J. Kim, and D. Kim, "Grating-coupled transmission type surface plasmon resonance sensors based on dielectric and metallic gratings," Applied Optics, 46(23), 5703-5708, August 8, 2007. LINK

[J20] S. J. Yoon and D. Kim, "Thin film based field penetration engineering for surface plasmon resonance biosensing," Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 24(9), 2543-2549, July 19, 2007. LINK

[J19] K. M. Byun, S. J. Yoon, D. Kim, and S. J. Kim, "Experimental study of sensitivity enhancement in surface plasmon resonance biosensors by use of periodic metallic nanowires," Optics Letters, 32(13), 1902-1904, July 1, 2007. Also published in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, 15(2), January 15, 2008. LINK

[C21] D. Kim and S. Moon, "Discrimination characteristics of a wire-grid polarizer for polarimetric detection of multiple polarized beams," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6468: Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XV, 64680Z/1-8, March 22, 2007. LINK

[J18] D. Kim and S. J. Yoon, "Effective medium based analysis of nanowire-mediated localized surface plasmon resonance," Applied Optics, 46(6), 872-880, February 20, 2007. LINK

[C20] T. Oh, J. H. Sung, D. A. Tatosian, M. L. Shuler, and D. Kim, "Real-time quantitative fluorescence measurement of microscale cell culture analog systems," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6441: Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues V, 64410R/1-8, February 19, 2007. LINK

[C19] K. Kim, D. Kim, E. Cho, and Y. Huh, "A quantitative analysis of the intracellular transport of quantum dot-peptide in live cells using epifluorescence microscopy," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6449: Genetically Engineered and Optical Probes for Biomedical Applications IV, 64490K, February 14, 2007. LINK

[C18] S. J. Yoon and D. Kim, "Spatial analysis of a microbead using surface plasmon resonance coupled fluorescence," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6450-18: Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine IV, 64500O/1-6, February 14, 2007. LINK

[C17] K. M. Byun, S. J. Yoon, S. J. Kim, and D. Kim, "Effect of metallic nanowires on the sensitivity enhancement of surface plasmon resonance biosensors," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6450: Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine IV, 64500H, February 14, 2007. LINK

[C16] K. M. Byun, S. J. Yoon, D. Kim, and S. J. Kim, "Impact of surface roughness on the sensitivity enhancement of a nanowire-based surface plasmon resonance biosensor," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6450-18: Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine IV, 64500P/1-7, February 14, 2007. LINK

[C15] S. Moon, E. Sim, and D. Kim, "Concentration dependent absorption and scattering characteristics of gold nanoparticles embedded in liquid phantoms," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6449: Genetically Engineered and Optical Probes for Biomedical Applications IV, 64490B, February 13, 2007. LINK

[C14] D. Kang, E. Sim, and D. Kim, "Size-dependent quantum dynamical influence of metal nanoparticles on surface plasmon resonance," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6479: Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices IV, 64791Q/1-8, February 2, 2007. LINK

[J17] K. M. Byun, S. J. Yoon, D. Kim, and S. J. Kim, "Sensitivity analysis of a nanowire-based surface plasmon resonance biosensor in the presence of surface roughness," Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 24(2), 522-529, February 1, 2007. Also published in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, 13(2), January 15, 2007. LINK


[J16] K. Kim, S. J. Yoon, and D. Kim, "Nanowire-based enhancement of localized surface plasmon resonance for highly sensitive detection: a theoretical study," Optics Express, 14(25), 12419-12431, December 11, 2006. Also published in Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics 2(1), January 19, 2007. LINK

[J15] K. M. Byun, D. Kim, and S. J. Kim, "Investigation of the profile effect on the sensitivity enhancement of nanowire-mediated localized surface plasmon resonance biosensors," Sensors and Actuators B, 117(2), 401-407, October 12, 2006. LINK

[J14] D. Kim, "Effect of resonant localized plasmon coupling on the sensitivity enhancement of nanowire-based surface plasmon resonance biosensors," Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 23(9), 2307-2314, September 1, 2006. Also published in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, 12(5), September 1, 2006, and in Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics 1(10), October 24, 2006. LINK

[J13] H. Baac, J. P. Hajos, J. Lee, D. Kim, S. J. Kim, and M. L. Shuler, "Antibody-based surface plasmon resonance detection of intact viral pathogen," Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 94(4), 815-819, July 5, 2006. LINK, LINK

[J12] K. M. Byun, S. J. Kim, and D. Kim, "Profile effect on the feasibility of extinction based localized surface plasmon resonance biosensors using metallic nanowires," Applied Optics, 45(14), 3382-3389, May 3, 2006. Also published in Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics 1(6), June 13, 2006. LINK

[C13] S. Moon and D. Kim, "Investigation of an effective medium theory for metallic periodic structures: a fitting-based approach," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6128: Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices IV, pp. 372-380, March 1, 2006. LINK

[C12] K. M. Byun, S. J. Kim, and D. Kim, "Investigation of metallic nanowire-based localized surface plasmon resonance optical biosensors using extinction spectra," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6099: Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine III, pp. 122-129, February 23, 2006. LINK

[C11] K. M. Byun, S. J. Kim, and D. Kim, "Effect of the nanowire cross-section on the sensitivity enhancement of localized surface plasmon resonance biosensors," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6099: Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine III, pp. 130-137, February 23, 2006. LINK

[C10] D. Kim, D. A. Tatosian, and M. L. Shuler, "Portable real-time fluorescence cytometry of microscale cell culture analog devices," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6088: Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues IV, pp. 255-262, February 22, 2006. LINK

[J11] S. Moon and D. Kim, "Fitting-based determination of an effective medium of a metallic periodic structure and application to photonic crystals," Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 23(1), 199-207, January 1, 2006. LINK


[J10] D. Kim, "Performance uniformity analysis of a wire-grid polarizer in imaging polarimetry," Applied Optics, 44(26), 5398-5402, September 10, 2005. LINK

[J9] D. Tatosian, M. L. Shuler, and D. Kim, "Portable in-situ fluorescence cytometry of microscale cell-based assays," Optics Letters, 30(13), 1689-1691, July 1, 2005. Also published in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, 10(1), July 1, 2005. LINK

[J8] D. Kim, "Effect of the azimuthal orientation on the performance of grating coupled surface plasmon resonance biosensors," Applied Optics, 44(16), 3218-3223, June 1, 2005. LINK

[J7] K. M. Byun, S. J. Kim, and D. Kim, "Design study of highly sensitive nanowire-enhanced surface plasmon resonance biosensors using rigorous coupled wave analysis," Optics Express, 13(10), 3737-3742, May 16, 2005. LINK

[C9] K. M. Byun, D. Kim, and S. J. Kim, "Investigation of the sensitivity enhancement of nanoparticles based surface plasmon resonance biosensors using rigorous coupled wave analysis," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5703: Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine II, pp. 61-70, April 11, 2005. LINK

[J6] D. Kim, "Polarization characteristics of a wire-grid polarizer in a rotating platform," Applied Optics, 44(8), 1366-1371, March 1, 2005. LINK


[C8] D. Kim and M. L. Shuler, "Design and development of grating coupled optical biosensor to detect animal pathogen," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5321B: Biohazard Detection Technologies, pp. 309-314, July 1, 2004. LINK

[C7] D. Kim, "Integrated diffusion using an acousto-optic modulator for 3-D image enhancement," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5363: Emerging Optoelectronic Applications, pp. 141-147, June 25, 2004. LINK

[C6] D. Kim, H. Xu, S. J. Kim, and M. L. Shuler, "Investigation of doxorubicin for multi-drug resistance using a fluorescent cytometric imaging system integrated onto cell culture analogue devices," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5325: Optical Diagnostics and Sensing IV, pp. 122-127, June 18, 2004. LINK

[C5] D. Kim and C. Kim, "Design, synthesis, and verification of an integrated single-chip spectro-polarimetric filter," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5355: Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies VIII, pp. 167-172, May 28, 2004. LINK

[J5] D. Kim, "Reduction of coherent artifact in dynamic holographic 3-D displays by diffraction-specific pseudorandom diffusion," Optics Letters, 29(6), 611-613, March 15, 2004. LINK


[J4] D. Kim and K. Burke, "Design of a grating-based thin film filter for broadband spectro-polarimetry," Applied Optics, 42(31), 6321-6326, November 1, 2003. LINK

[J3] D. Kim, S. Oh, R. Vodhanel, J. Jay, and K. Musgrove, "Interoperability of Fusion-Spliced G.652 Compliant Fibers for Analog CATV Transmission," Journal of Optical Communications, 24(4), 131-134, August 1, 2003. LINK

[J2] D. Kim, C. Warde, K. Vaccaro, and C. Woods, "Imaging multispectral polarimetric sensor: single-pixel design and fabrication," Applied Optics, 42(19), 3756-3764, July 1, 2003. LINK

[C4] J. D. Downie, F. Annunziata, A. Filios, T. Kennedy, D. Kim, and S. Oh, "Large effective area non-zero dispersion shifted fiber in metro/provincial network environments," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5279: Optical Fibers and Passive Components, pp. 1-13, April 30, 2004. LINK

[J1] D. Kim and E. Sim, "Effects of grating wall profiles on a finite aperture polarization filter," IET Electronics Letters, 39(1), 102-103, January 2, 2003. LINK


[C3] D. Kim, S. Oh, R. Vodhanel, A. Coombe, M. Lundergan, M. Kunigonis, K. Wong, and J. Hou, "16-channel Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM) transmission over 70 km of low water peak (LWP) fiber with 40 Gb/s aggregate capacity," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4908: Metro and Access Networks II, pp. 39-43, August 22, 2003. LINK

[C2] D. Kim, J. Jay, S. Oh, R. Vodhanel, and K. Musgrove, "Interoperability of G.652 fibers for analog CATV transmission," Proceedings of NFOEC, D7-3, pp. 1752-1760, September, 2002.

[C1] D. Kim, C. Warde, K. Vaccaro, C. Woods, and A. Drehman, "Infrared spectro-polarimetric imaging sensor system," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4306A: Sensors, Cameras, and Applications for Digital Photography III, pp. 256-265, May 15, 2001. LINK