Awards and Laboratory News
[150] D. Kim received an award of merit from the Optical Society of Korea for the contribution to the society, February 13, 2025.
[149] Prof. Ken-Tye Yong visits Yonsei University on February 3-4, 2025.
[148] D. Kim attended the SPIE Leadership Meeting on January 26, 2025, at SPIE Photonics West 2025 as a representative of the Optical Society of Korea.
[147] D. Kim visited the Nishizaka Lab at Gakushuin University on January 17, 2025. Sukhyeon Ka stayed at the Nishizaka Lab for collaboration from January 19 to February 3, 2025.
[146] D. Kim was elected as the 34th President of the Optical Society of Korea (January 17, 2025).
[145] CLEO Pacific Rim 2024 (August 4-9, Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Korea), which was co-chaired by D. Kim, was successfully over with 1131 abstract presentations and more than 1500 participants.
[144] D. Kim partcipated in the BME Annual Luncheon of the Chinese University of Hong Kong on May 25, 2024. LINK
[143] The laboratory was featured by Science21 (사이언스21) on April 16, 2024. The feature is available in the June issue of 2024. LINK
[142] The laboratory hosted the 2nd Decennial Conference on Chemistry and Photonics (DCCP) at Yonsei Alumni Building on March 9, 2024.
[141] Prof. Jungho Kim from Kyung Hee University gave a seminar titled “Deep-learning-based inverse design and multi-object optimization of nanophotonic materials and devices: colloidal quantum dots and quantum cascade laser” on February 6, 2024.
[140] D. Kim attended the SPIE Leadership Meeting on January 28, 2024, at SPIE Photonics West 2024 as a representative of the Optical Society of Korea.
[139] Hajun Yoo was selected as a Y-Scholar, October 5, 2023.
[138] 김동현 교수, 소래고등학교에서 "메타플라스모닉스의 나노 기술 응용" 주제로 한국고등교육재단 후원의 Dream Lecture 강연, 2023년 9월 20일. 세계일보
[137] Prof. Sang-Hyun Oh at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, gave a seminar titled “Nanogap Devices for Enhanced Biosensing and Imaging” on August 11th, 2023.
[136] Prof. Manish Tiwari at Manipal University Jaipur gave a seminar titled “Photonic crystal fiber-based surface plasmon resonance biosensors” as an Optica traveling lecturer on July 14th, 2023.
[135] Ms. Wanyi Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong) gave a seminar about biosensors for ddPCR on June 9th, 2023.
[134] Prof. Soo Jin Kim from Korea University gave a seminar titled “Manipulating light at nanoscale using a semiconductor metasurface” on June 9th, 2023.
[133] Prof. Andrea M. Armani (University of Southern California) gave a seminar titled “Organic small molecule integrated photonics” on March 13th, 2023, which was followed by a roundtable discussion.
[132] 김동현 교수, 연세대학교 공헌교수상 (1단계) 수상, 2023년 2월 8일.
[131] We along with other BRL groups organized and participated in the International Workshop on Machine Intelligence and Smart Sensors for Microbiome Research at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, on February 8, 2023. LINK
[130] The presentation titled “Multispectral Palm-Vein Fusion for User Identification” received IEIE Best Paper Award Silver Prize at the 22nd International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC 2023, Singapore, February 5 – 8, 2023), February 7, 2023.
[129] Hajun Yoo was selected as the participant in the Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS, 17-20 January 2023) supported by the NRF of Korea and Singapore, September 7, 2022.
[128] Hyunwoong Lee was selected for Optica student leadership experience in Student Leadership Conference (July 15, 2022). This event is a part of the Frontiers in Optics 2022.
[127] Poster presentation by Hajun Yoo et al. titled “Use of Nanospeckle Illumination on Disordered Nanoislands in Super-Resolution Microscopy,” which had been presented at Optics and Photonics Congress 2022 (OPC 2022, 3-6 July, 2022), received the Best Poster Award, July 11, 2022.
[126] Prof. Aaron Ho (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) stays in the group for a sabbatical quarter as a Brain Pool (BP) fellow from June 10, 2022.
[125] Hajun Yoo has been awarded the SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship from the SPIE, May 28, 2022. Reported by Yonsei Media, Hankyung, Newsis, UNN, Financial News, Chosun Media, and Beta News.
[124] Prof. Takayuki Nishizaka of Department of Physics (Gakushuin University) gave a seminar titled "Direct visualization of dynamic behavior of biomolecules and bacteria using advanced optical microscopes" (March 4, 2022).
[123] Hajun Yoo was selected as a BK Outstanding Graduate Student (February 25, 2022).
[122] Hyunwoong Lee and Hajun Yoo were awarded student travel grant for presentation at the SPIE Photonics West 2022. Seongmin Im received registration fee waiver at the SPIE Photonics West 2022 (December 11, 2021).
[121] We hosted International Workshop on Machine Intelligence and Optics for Microbiome Research on November 12, 2021 with Dr. Mandy Esch (NIST, USA), Dr. KyeoReh Lee (KAIST), Dr. Zhiping Lin (NTU, Singapore), and Prof. M. Foreman (ICL, UK) as invited speakers.
[120] 해외우수과학자유치사업 선정, 2021년 11월 11일. The proposal to the Brain Pool Program has been approved by the National Research Foundation. November 11, 2021. The program will allow collaboration with Prof. Aaron Ho at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
[119] Poster presentation by Hajun Yoo et al. titled "Use of plasmonic near-field nano-speckles by disordered nanoislands in super-resolution imaging" at the 19th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition (Nano Korea 2021, July 7-9) received the Best Poster Award, July 8, 2021.
[118] Seongmin Im and Gwiyeong Moon were selected as the participant in the 13th HOPE Meeting (7 - 11 March, 2022) supported by the NRF of Korea and the JSPS of Japan, July 7, 2021.
[117] Oral presentation by Hajun Yoo et al. titled "Wide-Field Super-Resolution Imaging Using Randomly Localized Plasmonic Nanospeckles of Disordered Nanoislands" at Optics and Photonics Congress 2021 (OPC 2021, 4-7 July, 2021) on July 7, 2021, received the Best Paper Award from the Optical Society of Korea.
[116] The paper authored by Hajun Yoo et al. and titled "Disordered nanocomposite islands for nano-speckles illumination microscopy (NanoSIM) in wide-field super-resolution imaging" was selected as the cover of the issue 9 of Advanced Optical Materials, June 30, 2021
[115] Donghyun Kim was appointed as Vice President of the Optical Society of Korea, March 1, 2021.
[114] Prof. Aaron H. P Ho (Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) gave a BK seminar titled "Surface Plasmon Resonance for Biosensing and Optofluidics" on January 27, 2021.
[113] Donghyun Kim was elected as Fellow of SPIE, December 24, 2020.
[112] Donghyun Kim was elected as reviewer board (RB) member of the ICT Convergence Unit of the National Research Foundation of Korea, December 1, 2020.
[111] With Donghyun Kim as chair of the Bid Committee that represents the Optical Society of Korea, Korea was selected to host the CLEO Pacific Rim 2024 in Incheon, November 20, 2020.
[110] Prof. Pournoury was featured by the National Research Foundation of Korea about "Being an International Researcher in Korea and Working with the NRF," November 19, 2020. YOUTUBEYOUTUBE
[109] Dr. Marzieh Pournoury joins the group as research professor from June 1, 2020.
[108] Prof. Aaron H.-P. Ho (Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) participated in the group meeting on December 18, 2019 and gave a seminar titled "Surface Plasmon Resonance in Metallic Nano-structures: Sensing, Optofluidics and Optoelectronics" at the Basic Research Laboratory meeting on December 19, 2019.
[107] Seongmin Im has been selected to present his poster “Opto-thermal response of plasmonic nanostructures based on metallic nanowire arrays,” in the 3-Minute Poster Competition at SPIE Photonics West, February 3, 2020 (notified on December 10, 2019).
[106] Seongmin Im and Gwiyeong Moon were selected as the participant in the 12th HOPE Meeting (in Tsukuba, 9 - 13 March, 2020) supported by the NRF of Korea and the JSPS of Japan, November 27, 2019.
[105] We hosted the NRF-JSPS Collaborative Research Workshop with Nishizaka Group of Gakushuin University on November 19, 2019.
[104] Prof. Takayuki Nishizaka (Gakushuin University) gave a seminar at Yonsei University on November 18, 2019.
[103] Dr. Irving Rondon (visiting researcher at IBS Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems) visited Yonsei University on November 8, 2019 and gave a talk about acoustic vortex beam generation using synthetic magnetic fields.
[102] Prof. Brian Wilson of University of Toronto, Canada, and staff from Severance Hospital visited our lab on October 1, 2019.
[101] 이창헌, 2019년 학문후속세대(박사과정생연구장려금)지원사업 선정, 2019년 8월 28일.
[100] 강경남 박사, 2019년 학문후속세대지원(박사후국내연수) 과제 선정, 2019년 8월 28일.
[99] 문귀영, BEST Outstanding Student Fellow 2019에 선정. Gwiyeong Moon was selected as the BEST Outstanding Student Fellow 2019 (BK Program) on August 19, 2019.
[98] 일본 학습원대학에서 한일협력연구사업 워크샵 세미나. We had a workshop at Gakushuin University as a part of the NRF-JSPS Collaborative Research Grant Program on July 31, 2019.
[97] Gwiyeong Moon was presented with the Best Poster Award for delivering outstanding poster presentation (titled 'Recognition of surface plasmon scattering based on deep learning') to the Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology 2019 (EKC2019) on July 18, 2019.
[96] 문귀영, (과총) 차세대 과학기술리더 교류협력 사업 오스트리아 프로그램 참가자로 선발. Gwiyeong Moon was selected as the participant in the EU-Korea Conference (July 12-20, 2019).
[95] Drs. Taek-il Oh (Samsung Display) and Jong-ryul Choi (DGMIF) visited the lab on December 27, 2018.
[94] Prof. Sang-Hyun Oh at University of Minnesota (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering) visited us to give a BK21 seminar on December 21, 2018.
[93] Gwiyeong Moon has been awarded a Student Travel Grant to participate in the SPIE Photonics West 2019 to present the paper titled “Spatially switched near field distribution using plasmonic random nanoislands," December 12, 2018.
[92] Gwiyeong Moon was selected as the participant in the 7th Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS, 20-25 January 2019) supported by the NRF of Korea and Singapore, December 10, 2018.
[91] All the current lab members got together to have a year-end lunch on December 7, 2018.
[90] Taehwang Son, ["Metallic 3D random nanocomposite islands for near-field spatial light switching," Advanced Optical Materials, 2018] 2018-2 연세대학교 대학원 우수논문 우수상 (Yonsei University Graduate School Best Paper Award), November 12, 2018.
[89] Best poster award was given to Taehwang Son, Gwiyeong Moon, Changhun Lee, and Donghyun Kim at Frontiers of Electrical Engineering (FREE): Biomedical Engineering, November 2, 2018.
[88] Profs. Xudong Fan (U. Michigan), Aaron H. P. Ho (Chinese U. Hong Kong), and Peng Xi (Peking U.) visited Yonsei to attend and to give an invited speech at Frontiers of Electrical Engineering (FREE): Biomedical Engineering, Nov. 1-2, 2019.
[87] Taehwang Son was selected as the BEST Outstanding Student Fellow 2018 (BK Program) on October 1, 2018.
[86] Prof. Jongwon Lee at UNIST (Department of Electrical Engineering) visited and gave a BK21 seminar titled "Active and Nonlinear Polaritonic Metasurfaces" on September 11, 2018.
[85] Prof. Hyunjoo Lee at KAIST (Department of Electrical Engineering) visited and gave a BK21 seminar titled "Biomedical microsystems for neuro interface" on September 4, 2018.
[84] Donghyun Kim was elected Senior Member of SPIE, July 20, 2018.
[83] Prof. Jeong Hoon Lee at Kwangwoon University (Department of Electrical Engineering) visited us and gave a BK21 seminar titled "Biosensor & Its Sensivitity Enhancement toward Commercializations" on July 10, 2018.
[82] Taehwang Son was invited to the exchange programs for the US-Korea Conference & Entrepreneurship (UKC), 7/29-8/05, New York City, USA LINK.
[81] 김형수 위원 (북방연구회) 초청 BK21세미나 (주제: 북한의 의료 정책과 실태 및 전자공학 응용), 2018년 4월 12일.
[80] Our paper in Optics Letters titled "Surface plasmon microscopy by spatial light switching for label-free imaging with enhanced resolution" was chosen for inclusion in Spotlight on Optics LINK.
[79] 김동현, 2017학년도 우수업적교수상(연구부문)의 『통합업적』분야 “우수상” 수상, 2018년 2월 22일.
[78] Taehwang Son was selected as the participant in the 6th Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS, 21-26 January 2018) supported by the NRF of Korea and Singapore, November 27, 2017 LINK.
[77] Hongki Lee was selected as the participant in the 10h HOPE Meeting (with Nobel laureates) supported by the NRF of Korea and the JSPS of Japan, November 17, 2017.
[76] We hosted the Korea-China Workshop on Microcavity Photonics, Plasmonics, and Spectroscopy (MPPS) at Hyatt Regency Hotel in Jeju, February 21, 2017.
[75] We hosted the YES Workshop in Electronics & Chemistry at High-One Resort, February 15, 2017.
[74] Prof. Myung Chul Choi from Dept of Bio and Brain Engineering of KAIST visited the lab to give a seminar titled "Machinery of Life: Focusing on Microtubules" on Dec 22, 2016.
[73] 김동현, 연세대학교 우수저역서지원사업 선정 (Handbook of Photonics for Biomedical Engineering, Springer Netherlands), 2016년 12월.
[72] Hongki Lee and Taehwang Son were selected as travel award recipients to the JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2016 (July 26, 2016).
[71] 임성민, 연세대학교 정보통신기술연구원 인턴쉽 우수상 (Excellency in Internship from Yonsei Institute of Information and Communication Technology, YIICT) 수여, 2016년 2월 25일.
[70] Taehwang Son was selected as the participant in the 8h HOPE Meeting (with Nobel laureates) supported by the NRF of Korea and the JSPS of Japan, November 26, 2015.
[69] Taehwang Son's presentation at ACP (Asia Communications and Photonics Conference) 2015, titled "Surface Plasmon Enhanced Microscopy Using Periodic and Aperiodic Nanostructures for Super-resolved Cell Imaging" with Control Number: 2353188 and Presentation Number: AM2B.1 in Track 5 - Biophotonics and Optical Sensors was selected as the IEEE Photonics Society Best Student Paper (November 25, 2015).
[68] Our lab participated in the 2015 Yonsei Tech Fair (November 13, 2015).
[67] 삼성전자 미래기술육성사업 '15 Annual Forum에 참여 (2015년 11월 13일).
[66] 이창헌, 연세대학교 대학원 장학금 (Graduate Scholarship from Yonsei University) 수여, 2015년 10월
[65] 임성민, 연세대학교 정보통신기술연구원 인턴쉽 우수상 (Excellency in Internship from Yonsei Institute of Information and Communication Technology, YIICT) 수여, 2015년 9월 2일.
[64] Prof. Yun-Feng Xiao from Peking University visits the lab (August 28-30, 2015).
[63] Prof. Katsumasa Fujita from Osaka University visits the lab (July 15-16, 2015).
[62] 류연수 박사님께서 치안정책연구소(LINK)로 자리를 옮기셨습니다 (2015년 6월 15일).
[61] 대구경북첨단의료산업진흥재단 (DGMIF) 첨단의료기기개발지원센터와 생체신호진단처리교류회, 2015년 6월 15일.
[60] "메타 물질을 이용한 초고해상도 광학 영상기술"기술과 관련하여, 미래창조과학부, 중소기업청, 특허청이 공동 개최하는 '2015년 제1차 공공기술이전 로드쇼' 참가, 2015년 4월 22일, 더케이호텔.
[59] 김기흥, 연세대학교 대학원 장학금 (Graduate Scholarship from Yonsei University) 수여, 2015년 4월.
[58] 김기흥, 연세대학교 정보통신기술연구원 인턴쉽 우수상 (Excellency in Internship from Yonsei Institute of Information and Communication Technology, YIICT) 수여, 2015년 3월 3일.
[57] 손태황, 연세대학교 대학원 장학금 (Graduate Scholarship from Yonsei University) 수여, 2014년 12월.
[56] We have organized the first Decennial Conference on Chemistry and Photonics (DCCP) with many alumni and graduate students (December 13, 2014).
[55] 연세대학교 "초고해상도 광학 영상 기술"이 KDB 산업은행 기술거래지원사업 관련 소개, 2014년 12월 LINK.
[54] 삼성 미래기술육성사업 2014년도 하반기 지원과제 선정, 2014년 10월. LINK
[53] Wonju Lee was selected as the 2014 Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship Finalist and won the Nomination Award (October, 2014).
[52] Wonju Lee was selected as an Emil Wolf Outstanding Student Paper Competition Finalist and as a winner of the Emil Wolf Outstanding Student Paper Competition for 2014! (FiO 3: Optics in Biology and Medicine, OSA Frontiers in Optics 2014) LINK.
[51] 이홍기, 연세대학교 대학원 장학금 (Graduate Scholarship from Yonsei University) 수여, 2014년 7월.
[50] "생체 고분자의 고분해능 검출을 위한 나노횃불 기반 금속나노칩" 기술이 한국연구재단 50대 <2014년 기초연구 우수성과>로 선정, 2014년 6월 3일. "Nanoscale hot spot based metallic nanochips for super-resolved detection of biomolecules" has been selected as one of the top 50 fundamental research achievements of 2014 by the National Research Foundation of Korea, June, 2014. 기초연구우수성과 인증식 및 전시회 개최 (2014년 11월 5일).
[49] "메타 물질을 이용한 초고해상도 광학 영상 기술"이 미래창조부의 연구성과사업화 지원사업으로 선정, 2014년 5월 30일.
[48] "정전구동형 마이크로거울 어레이를 이용한 다공초점 형광 현미경" 기술이 <미래창조부 지원 기초원천 우수기술 성과>로 선정. 2014년 4월.
[47] Our lab was featured by the webzine published by the National Research Foundation of Korea (March 2014 issue, in Korean)
[46] 이원주, 손태황, 이홍기, 양희진, 연세대학교 대학원 장학금 (Graduate Scholarship from Yonsei University) 수여, 2014년 2월.
[45] 김동현, 2013학년도 연세대학교 우수업적교수상(연구부문) 우수상, 2014년 2월 6일.
[44] Taehwang Son was awarded an SPIE Travel Grant for Photonics West 2014 that is held in February 1-6, 2014.
[43] Wonju Lee was selected as the participant in the 6th HOPE Meeting (with Nobel laureates) supported by the NRF of Korea and the JSPS of Japan, November, 2013.
[42] Dr. Kyujung Kim joins the faculty of Pusan National University from September, 2013.
[41] 김용휘 군, 관정 이종환 교육재단 장학생으로 선정, July 2, 2013.
[40] Kyungjae finished the military service honorably in June, 2013. Welcome back to the civilian world!
[39] Hongki Lee and Hee Jin Yang have been awarded the Yonsei EE Graduate Admission Scholarship (2013년 연세대학교 전기전자공학부 대학원 신입생 우수장학생으로 선정), June, 2013.
[38] Wonju Lee has been awarded an SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship from the SPIE, May, 2013. LINK
[37] Youngjin Oh has been awarded an SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship from the SPIE, May, 2013. LINK
[36] Yonghwi Kim, ["Nanogap-based dielectric-specific colocalization for highly sensitive surface plasmon resonance detection of biotin-streptavidin interactions," Applied Physics Letters, 2012] 2013-1 연세대학교 대학원 우수논문 장려상 (Yonsei University Graduate School Best Paper Award), May, 2013.
[35] 오영진/이원주, 제 20회 광전자 및 광통신 학술회의(COOC 2013) 학생 우수 논문상 수상, 2013년 5월 10일. Youngjin Oh and Wonju Lee shared the student best paper award from the 20th Conference on Optoelectronics and Optical Communications (COOC 2013), Kyungju, May 10, 2013.
[34] 최종률 군, 한국광학회 제24회 정기총회 및 2013년 동계학술발표회에서 OSA Student Prize 수상, 2013년 2월 19일; Jong-ryul Choi was awarded the OSA-OSK Student Prize at the Optical Society of Korea Winter Meeting 2013, February 19, 2013.
[33] Wonju Lee, [Electromagnetic Near-Field Nanoantennas for Subdiffraction-Limited Surface Plasmon-Enhanced Light Microscopy] BK21 (TMS Institute of Information Technology) Best Paper Award, Silver Prize, January 24, 2013.
[32] Jong-ryul Choi was awarded an SPIE Texas Instruments DLP Student Travel Grant for Photonics West MOEMS-MEMS 2013.
[31] Youngjin Oh was awarded an SPIE Travel Grant for Photonics West 2013 that is held in February 2-7, 2013.
[30] Wonju Lee visits Gakushuin University (学習院大学), Japan, through a visiting scholar fellowship for collaboration during a month from January 8, 2013 to February 7, 2013.
[29] Dr. Kyujung Kim was awarded the Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, November 15, 2012.
[28] Kyujung Kim, ["Localized surface plasmon based super resolution imaging technique with nanostructures," Ph. D. Dissertation, 2012] 2012-2 연세대학교 대학원 우수논문상 (Yonsei University Graduate School Best Paper Award), November 8, 2012.
[27] Jong-ryul Choi was selected as an Emil Wolf Outstanding Student Paper Competition Finalist (FiO 3: Optics in Biology and Medicine), OSA Frontiers in Optics 2012, October, 2012. And won the award!! LINKLINK
[26] Yonghwi Kim, Excellence Award for Lecture about Management and Revolution of IT Technology, LG Electronics, September, 2012.
[25] The Lab was featured in the IEEK webzine (June 2012 issue, in Korean) LINK
[24] W. Lee, Korea Association of University Women Scholarship, March, 2012.
[23] Y. Oh, BK21 (TMS Institute of Information Technology) Best Paper Award, Silver Prize, February, 2012.
[22] Y. Kim, SPIE Student Travel Grant for Photonics West 2012 (8234-22), January, 2012.
[21] W. Lee, HiSeoul Fellowship (Awarded by the City of Seoul), August, 2011.
[20] K. Kim, Optical Design and Engineering Scholarship (SPIE), May, 2011. LINK
[19] We have been awarded the "Leap research (도약연구)" program (formerly known as "National Research Laboratory") from the National Research Foundation of Korea for five years, May 1, 2011.
[18] Y. Kim, Graduate Departmental Scholarship, School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Yonsei University, March, 2011.
[17] W. Lee, Newport Spectra Physics SPIE Student Travel Grant for Photonics West 2011, January, 2011.
[16] K. Kim, ["Nanoislands-based random activation of fluorescence for visualizing endocytotic internalization of adenovirus," Small, 2010] 2010-2 연세대학교 대학원 우수논문상 (Yonsei University Graduate School Best Paper Award), November, 2010.
[15] S. Moon, SPIE Student Travel Grant for Optics + Photonics (7759-40), August, 2010.
[14] J. Choi, SPIE Student Travel Grant for Photonics West 2010 (7596-7), January, 2010.
[13] K. Kim, J. Choi, and W. Lee, 2009 University Intellectual Property (IP)-Ocean Competition (2009 대학 IP오션 공모전) Top Prize (대상), December, 2009.
[12] K. Ma, BK21 (TMS Institute of Information Technology) Best Paper Award, Silver Prize, November, 2009.
[11] K. Kim, BK21 (TMS Institute of Information Technology) Best Paper Award, Gold Prize, November, 2009.
[10] Y. Oh, Seoul Fellowship (Awarded by the City of Seoul), August, 2009.
[9] H. Ryu, LG Yonam Graduate Scholarship, July, 2009.
[8] D. Kim, LG Yonam Overseas Faculty Research Fellowship (LG Yonam Foundation), June 9, 2009. LINK
[7] K. Kim, Optical Science and Engineering Scholarship (SPIE), May 7, 2009 LINK.
[6] K. Kim, Newport Spectra Physics Research Excellence Award (SPIE), January, 2009.
[5] K. Kim, Seoul Fellowship (Awarded by the City of Seoul), August, 2008.
[4] S. J. Yoon and D. Kim, Best Paper Award, 15th Conference on Optoelectronics and Optical Communications, Busan, Korea, May 15, 2008.
[3] K. Kim, E.-J. Cho, Y.-M. Huh, and D. Kim, Best Presentation Award, Biomedical Optics Topical Meeting (BIOMED), 2008 Spring Optics and Photonics Congress, St. Petersburg, FL, USA, March, 17, 2008, by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR).
[2] K. Kim, BK21 (TMS Institute of Information Technology) Best Paper Award, Gold Prize, November, 2007.
[1] S. Moon, Newport Spectra Physics Research Excellence Award (SPIE), January, 2006.